Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My life is full of crazy activities

My life is full of many different unique activities I feel like. I mean, maybe its not so unique...but certainly full of activities.

Saturday began with some yardwork and fun with my dad and then getting stuff ready for the church easter egg hunt with my mom. My mom teaches the 3-4 year old Sunday School class at my church in Augusta (The Quest). The way the building the facilities are structured, my mom's class is actually a few doors down from the actual worship space. So,she was talking about the issue of walking 10-20 preschool kids down the sidewalk and how it is somewhat unsafe. Being the fan of the Gosselin family that I am, I suggested we make a Jon and Kate Plus 8 style walking rope. So, Saturday I also had the big project of getting materials for and putting together this rope. Mom said it worked great and her kids all stayed attached. If you don't know what I'm talking about by the way, you should probably be watching Jon and Kate plus 8 more....it's a great show. So anyways, Saturday evening my dad grilled steaks and I got to hang out and play with the boys a little more before we left. Here's a couple pics from playing with them on the deck.

After fun times at home I headed back to Macon where I met up with Steebo and Melissa at El Som and then Steebo and I headed to the DubDub to listen to a band. The band was great and we hung out with these fun "real adult" guys that were cracking us up. Those guys had some classy shoes on.

Sunday started with a great time at church--- which Steebo slept through even though I called to wake him up and had a 2 minute conversation with him--- where Alex and I met Dr. Paul and his wife Alesia who we are going to attend their missional community group for the first time tomorrow. We're excited about that. Our church has been talking a lot about living in community lately, so it seemed logical that we should get involved.

Sunday afternoon was glorious because we decided to go fishing. I had to run by Prom workshop first, which was completley an epic fail since we couldn't unlock the warehouse door. But anyways-- back to fishing. I recently found out that FPD actually owns half of a lake. This is probably the third or fourth time I've been fishing there. Alex, Steebo and I went fishing and it was a trip. In fact, hanging out with them always keeps me laughing. They're adventurous...and therefore make me more fun :). We ended up climbing onto this ridiculously broken and moss covered "used to be a dock but is currently jsut some boards nailed very loosely together". It was crazy. Oh, and we lost about 10- 12 lures between the 3 of us. Ridic. There is something in that lake that eats lures.

After fishing, we took our dirty selves to the Amstar to see Fast and Furious which was Brilliantly Amazing and made me want to drive fast and marry Paul Walker. Of course we were hungry after the movie so we went to our typical happy place-- the DubDub for some dindin (yes I just said that-- that one was for you Laura). As if we had not had enough fun in all that we then went to Barnes and Noble where Alex and I sat in the addiction/recovery section (ironic--- hopefully not) which is frighteningly next to the Sexuality section and read through a couple different books (from the Ad/Rec section!) that we thought were interesting. Actually we more so analyzed whether we thought the people that wrote the books had any clue what they were talking about. I mean, so many doctors and things have written book after book about all kinds of issues--- yet so much of what they write seems so out there to me. I also feel like with a lot of the whole addiction/recovery genre is more so about experience and understanding than head knowledge. The best books to read about any of that kind of stuff to me are memoirs and other books written by people who have experienced the various issues. But there's my soap box on that.

Then of course yesterday was back to work as usual. Luckily we did have club last night (so us leaders were able to stay out of trouble). For club we played kickball....in the 3 degree weather. I prefer to refer to it as Arctic Kickball because it was freezing....like ridiculously. It was still fun though and I got to see some kids that I hadn't seen since before Spring Break so that was good. Oh, and before club me and A-Flo ate CFA with Molly. I was excited because I got her this awesome elephant made out of diet coke cans during the Cherry Blossom Festival. 2 of Molly's favorite things are elephants and diet coke so it was pretty much the ideal combo. After club a bunch of us went to Starbucks and then Steebo and I hit up the DubDub b/c I was hungry (count it--- 3 days in a row at the dubdub).

So, that's probably more detail than you'll ever get out of a blog from me...but it's been an eventful 3 days...what can I say? Looking back on it all....I have to say, I have a great family and great friends (both my age and in hs!)....and I love it.

1 comment:

Steebo said...

Nice blog, mainly because I was in there a few times ha. 1. It was a 19 second conversation not 2 minutes (I checked my phone) and B. You can have Paul Walker but Jordana Brewster is amazing! You gals always make me laugh whether we are fishing or chillin at the DubDub. Thanks for being good friends... speaking of, when are we going fishing again. I want to catch something.