Friday, April 3, 2009

I love Chuck E. Cheese!

So I had today off from work. Its Spring Break at the school still so I just got one day off. Let me tell you working all the time really makes you appreciate any days off. My phone rang at about 9 a.m. with somebody calling about a work question. That's kinda my luck--- have a day off but then get a call that wakes you up. So i decided to get up and go get some breakfast at Panera. I used to go to Panera all the time on Saturday or Sunday mornings so I brough a couple books along and left. As I was g-chatting with Alex about my day off, I was trying to decide what to do...and I randomly remembered that my mom was going to be helping with my twin nephews, Andrew and Tyler, this weekend because my sister-in-law and neices were out of town.

I ended up decided to drive home to Augusta and take the boys to Church E. Cheese. Let me just was definitely the best decision I could make! By the time I got to my house the boys were just itching to get going...they were so cute! Its fun when they are just so excited. We went to Chuck E. Cheese and spent about 70 coins and played in the toddler play area and just ran around and danced and had a great time. They are at just an adorable age. And I love to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese--- I know for some people Chuck E. is like a nightmare-- with screaming chilren and crazy games and huge rat walking around, but it has always been one of my favorite things to take my neices and nephews to Chuck E. Cheese. Back in the day when Morgan was like the only one that could go I would randomly take her. It really makes me happy to just take the kids and play with them. They're so easy to please. In fact, for the rest of the days the boys were just kind of stuck on me...wanting to follow me around and sit with me and stuff. I told my mom, "well, we know the way to Drew and Ty's's just to take them to Chuck E. Cheese". I appreciate the opportunity to hang out with them.

Here are a couple pics from our fun:

So this is what happens when you take a two year old to Chuck E. Cheese....Andrew was "playing skeeball" (which means throwing the ball up the ramp so it would slide back down to him) and somehow threw the ball so that it hit the cup with like 90 coins in it and they of course went flying in 90 different directions. I couldn't help but laugh because it was hilarious.

This is boys playing a pretty tough racing came down to the last couple seconds but I think TyTy ended up pulling out the victory!

This one cracks me up because Drew is doin some legit dance moves. I knows its blurry and I really wished I had videotaped him but you can still get the point from the pic.

This is my boy TyTy dominating the car game. Drew was content to just sit and let Ty take the wheel and I gotta be honest-- Tyler was pretty good at driving the "Funny Car".

On another happy note I just got off the phone with one of my highschoolers and that brightened my day. She was cracking me up with her Spring Break shenanigans. I'm gonna be honest...this week has definitely been pretty dull and kinda sad without all my highschool friends and the excitement they bring to my life...maybe that sounds pathetic...but I'm okay with it. I love them...what can I say?!

On that note...I'm going to bed.

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