Saturday, April 18, 2009

A long week with a great ending....

So it's been a little bit since I've blogged (well a week or so) and I have to say its because I've been super super busy. The craziness all started last weekend when I went to see my good friend Mike Kinnebrew (see his page here) play at Eddie's Attic in Atlanta. I love Mike's music. It's a sweet kind of acoustic soulful sound. He has this one song "Something Worth Saving" that literally made me tear up as I heard it live. Listen to it, love it.

Anyways, after the show I drove the the tornados home to Augusta and got to go to the Masters on Saturday with my dad. The Augusta National is beautiful and I really appreciate my dad being willing to take me as his golf watching partner.

So then it was Easter family fun times and I came back to Macon to a slammed week full of all kinds of meetings, stressful stuff, YoungLife and getting ready for Prom. Prom at FPD (where I work) is a huge deal with leadout, a pretty intsense decorations/set-up, party buses, a great band, and dresses worth more money than most of my clothing costs all put together. I was so stressed leading up to it because part of my job is to make sure it happens and everything goes okay. I know that prom is so important to these highschoolers, so I wanted to make sure everything was perfect for them. Prom is an important milestone in life...and no matter how insignficant it may seem as you look back on it after 10 years, it is incredibly important for a junior or senior in high school. I really hope the kids had fun. I had a blast just watching them have fun and act crazy. I loved it because it was great to watch my highschool friends having some good, clean fun. Sure the dancing was a little sketch at times, but in general the kids were just out there having a blast. It reminded me of my favorite YL verse John 10:10 where Jesus says "I have come so that you might have life, more and better life than you have ever dreamed of" (or something like that--- that's the Amy Kenney Message Paraphrase for ya!). Last night, I witnessed kids living life and having fun with it. I've been thinking a lot about where Jesus would be in interaction with my highschool friends...and I have to say, I think he would have been right up there on stage with Perry Lee dancing with the band....or maybe with the group of some of my favorites running up the stairs to embarass me and dance all around me as I tried to stay out of the way. It was just such a joy to see those kids having such a great time and living life. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be there with them.

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