Friday, August 7, 2009

Some quick morning thoughts

Okay, so apparently I'm really bad at going back and blogging about things from this summer- but I will at some point in time I promise. But for now I want to share some quick thoughts that I've been reflecting on this morning. Let me introduce this by saying this week has been pretty rough at work- I've worked pretty much non-stop for the past 4 days. Between Tuesday and Thursday I slept like 6 hours total and did a ton of data entry among other things. I love my job all the time, but this week has been a tough one. So, as I was thinking about that I was thinking about how I really just wish I was back in the Bahamas and so I went back and read one of the entries I made it notebook about my experience. This is what it says:

Reference Verse:
"Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete." 2nd John 1:12

I read these words from the second letter of John the first morning we were in the Bahamas as we began our sailing expedition. I was almost surprised to come upon a verse so relevant to what I was doing: sitting there reading the Bible, God written word letter to us, yet also getting an awesome opportunity to see Him and really meet Him face to face. I felt like God had inspired those words through John just so I personally could read them- sitting on the Bahama Star (our boat) in the middle of the ocean on a beautiful Monday. And then the last part of that verse-- so that our joy may be complete speaks so clearly to me of this trip- an opportunity to simply play all day, having a blast and experiencing the true joy of experiencing God's creation.

Now, back to I read that I realized that those words in that verse don't just refer to vacations or retreat times or whatever- they refer to today, when I have to leave for work in 5 minutes and go to place where I have a ton of pressure on me- God wants to meet me face to face there and in everything I do. I don't know why I miss that so much. Today, my prayer is that we can all go and seek to meet him face to face in whatever we do- because He is there no matter what. It makes going to work on a hard week a little easier when I know I'm going to go and be there with my Savior.

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